Skilled to Live to Earn

Education and Training

A common sense approach

Ever wondered why education and training? Stay tuned for the answer. Answer: Education aims to impart knowledge of a more theoretical order while training is the application of the knowledge of doing. An individual could fill their mind with much theory and never practice what was delivered. Learning without knowing why is possible in training since showing and repeating what was shown is possible. An illiterate person can be trained to do a task without knowing why unless shown. 20160509_163809_20160513003758_0

Measuring open fuse with ohmmeter

A youngster undoes a screw

Cotter pin installed in hole


Zipper functional again


About Artist in 1st Essentials

The author possesses skills in agriculture, the domestic arts and economics. He entered the planet in the beautiful isle of Jamaica during the 60s. He had the privilege of experiencing the garden that his grandmother tended during his youth. He planted sunflowers in order to have seed to feed his pet parrot; raised chickens, off the cuff, with zero experience and little guidance. He repaired cars and construction machinery during his youth and investigated anything object mechanical or electrical. He enjoyed self reliance by virtue of his hands-on skills. This Jamaican missed, entirely, the timeless benefits of the garden to the modern era until the year 2007 when he was introduced to John Seymour's "Self- Sufficient Life and How to Live It." He discovered that the modern era and the high standard of living that is possible, are only participatory as long as there is a possession of this world's goods made possible by the invitation of men and women who have the goods by acquisition through one form or another. He knows the garden can supply one of the primary needs of humankind and is the only source accessible to everyone as dirt is its media. My wife is cherished and is my blessing.
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